How to clean baby teeth?

A baby’s mouth is the cleanest mouth in respect to levels of bacteria. We all know that disease is communicable (ie kissing the wrong person or sharing spit) and you can get disease whether that is cavities or gum disease or viral herpes. Same goes with your baby! Does someone in your family have gum disease or a herpetic lesion like a cold sore? Sharing food, drink, or kisses will transfer and then your baby has rotten breath.  So gross but so true. Smell your babies breath. Does it smell? Probably not (or I hope not) because it has no stinky bacteria! How do you think your baby gets cavities? They can eat sugar all day but if there are NO cavity causing bacteria then your baby, in theory, wouldn’t get cavities. I’m not suggesting no kisses from Grandma but the awareness is important. Just food for thought.  There is never a perfect solution but understanding a little of the process can help.

Bellingham Dental Group
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